Cheapest Gimbal Brushless Motor HP2212 From RC Timer - Get it Now

Diposting oleh Rahmat on Senin, 30 Desember 2013

In the last few months, brushless gimbal become very popular. Different with servo gimbal,  brushless gimbal use brushless motor, so it's offer better performance and acccuracy. Brushless Gimbal has a better response, more precise positioning, and can move 360 degrees, even more. And the key of this gimbal system is Brushless Motor, but not regular brushless motor. The motor must rewound to produce efficiency, so it can be used in brushless gimbal system well. You can rewound it tyourself, but if you are not have much time or don't know ho to do it, many RC stores are already sell it. And if you are searching for a cheapest one, i have recomendation for you, Gimbal Brushless Motor HP2212 from RC Timer.

Cheapest Gimbal Brushless Motor

Cheapest Gimbal Brushless Motor HP2212 From RC Timer - Get it Now

So far, this brushless gimbal motor is the cheapest one that i can find in all online store. The item code is HP2212-015-70T. This motor have 0.15 mm wire and 18.3 Ohms resistance. The weight of the motor is 0.1 Kg. And the price is very cheap, just $17.89. With that price, this product will be attractive option for you who want to build your brushless gimbal.

Cheapest Gimbal Brushless Motor HP2212 From RC Timer - Get it Now

You can check the product here:
Gimbal Brushless Motor HP2212

I hope this article can help you, and if you find another product that is cheaper than HP2212, share it via comment box.

And may be you also looking for brushless gimbal controller too? Check out this:
Cheapest brushless gimbal controller


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Laptop Gaming Murah

More aboutCheapest Gimbal Brushless Motor HP2212 From RC Timer - Get it Now

High Speed Brushless Digital Servo from RC Timer, 0.04 sec/60 degree

Diposting oleh Rahmat

HBP0405 and HBC0405 are a good servo motor if you looking for speed. They are offer very fast speed, just need 0.04 second to reach 60 degrees. They are the right choice if you work on the system that need fast servo motor.

HBC0405 Brushless Digital Servo

High Speed Brushless Digital Servo from RC Timer, 0.04 sec/60 degree
You can get HBC0405 Brushless Digital Servo for $61.99, a little costly because this is high quality product. The weight of this servo is 70 gram. HBC0405 has Top CNC case too. This servo need power supply between 6 - 7.4 V.

Total torque of HBC0405 is 4.20 if you use 6 V power supply, and the speed is 0.05 sec/ 60 degrees. If you use 7.4 V  power supply, the speed increasing to 0.04 sec/60 degrees. As well as the torque, it will become 5.10

Click link below if you want to get more information about this product:

HBP0405 HV Brushless Digital Servo

High Speed Brushless Digital Servo from RC Timer, 0.04 sec/60 degree

HBP0405 is cheaper than HBC0405, RC Timer sell this product for $53.99. But the performance is same with HBC0405.

The dimension of HBP0405 is 41×21×40 mm with a weight of 65 gram. If HBC0405 has CNC shell on top, HBP0405 just has plactic shell, this is why the price of HBP0405 is cheaper.

HBP0405 use 6 - 7.4 V power supply. The performance is same with HBC0405. At 6 V power supply, the speed id 0.05 sec/ 60 degrees and the torque is 4.20, at 7.4 power supply, the speed and torque is 0.04 sec/ 60degrees and 5.10

For more information, you can go to the product page through the link below:

If you have other recommendation about high speed servo motor, share it via comment box...

thank you..

May be you want to read this too:
Laptop Gaming Murah

More aboutHigh Speed Brushless Digital Servo from RC Timer, 0.04 sec/60 degree

Looking for High Speed and Cheap Servo Motor? Here is some interesting products from RC Timer

Diposting oleh Rahmat on Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

I like RC Timer because they are have many cheap product but with good specification and Quality. Like this Gimbal Brushless Motor. And Now, if you still searching for Cheap High Speed Servo motor, they have some interesting product for you.

They are Rctimer D9025MG, D9257 and D9257MG. All of them offer fast performance servo motor that you need.

RC Timer D9025MG
Looking for High Speed and Cheap Servo Motor? Here is some interesting products from RC Timer
RC Timer D9025MG is a digital servo motor with metal gear inside. The weight of this servo is 13 gram, with standing torque is at 4.8 V and at 6.0 V.

D9025MG speed is 0.11 sec / 60 degree if you give 4.8 V power source and 0.09 sec / 60 degree if you give 6.0 V power source. This speed is when there is no load on the servo motor.

See the picture below for complete specification of RC Timer D9025MG Servo Motor.

For the price, you can get RC Timer D9025MG for just $6.99. You can buy this product here:

RC Timer D9257

Looking for High Speed and Cheap Servo Motor? Here is some interesting products from RC Timer

D9257 is a high speed servo with just need 0.07 second to reach 60 degree at 6 V. If you give 4.8 V as a power source, the speed drops to 0.08 sec/ 60 degree, not a significant change. The dimension of this servo motor is 35.5 x 15.0 x 28.6 mm, and the weight is 25 gram. D9257 comes with two ball bearings, mounting screws and selection of servo discs or arm.

D9257 use 1520μs wide band and using coreless motor. This servo motor is perfect to use as T-REx tail servo because has a High speed, High performance and High Resolution.

The stall torque of D9257 is 3.8 at 4.8 V or 4.2 at 6.0 V. D9257 is a cheap high speed servo motor, because you can get this product for just $8.79. Follow the link below to Buy this product:

RC Timer D9257MG
Looking for High Speed and Cheap Servo Motor? Here is some interesting products from RC Timer

D9257MG is a Coreless Digital Servo motor. The dimension of this servo is 35.5 x 15 x 28.6 mm, and the weight is 25 gram. This servo motor has metal gear, coreless motor, and double ball bearing. You can use this servo with the Futaba GY401 and GY502 gyros.

Maximum speed of D9257MG is 0.08 sec/ 60 degree at 4.8 V or 0.07 sec/ 60 degree at 6.0 V. The Torque of this servo is good too. It reach 6.3 at 6.0 V or 6.0 at 4.8 V.

You can get D9257MG servo motor for just $11.69. Follow the link below to go to product page:

If you found other cheap and fast servo motor products, you can share through the comment box.

More aboutLooking for High Speed and Cheap Servo Motor? Here is some interesting products from RC Timer

Cheapest 2 Axis Brushless Gimbal Controller - Just $44.19 plus IMU and free Shipping

Diposting oleh Rahmat on Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

Brushless Gimbal phenomenon still continuous. After Alex Moss share his brushless gimbal project, the open source version of brushless gimbal made by Martinez appeared. Based from this open source project, many RC Online store competing to make the cheapest product for sale, especially for controller board.

Most online stores sell the brushless gimbal controller board in the price range of 60 dollars, IMU is already included. But, if you are think that price is cheapest, you are wrong! A few days ago, i found the cheapest brushless gimbal controller on They sell the controller for just  $44.19. This is included IMU plus free shipping. This is very interesting offer.

Cheapest 2 Axis Brushless Gimbal Controller - Just $44.19 plus IMU and free Shipping

This controller is like the other, has ATmega328p as a processor, support 2 axis stabilization, and use L6234D as a motor driver. FTDI is available on board to connect this board using USB cable. This controller based on the Martinez project. I don't know the size of this board, but maybe it is 50x50 cm.

IMU is same too, MPU6050 6 DOF with accelerometer and gyroscope.

But, this controller version has a advantage than other products, it is Control Panel Controller. This software will help you to contigure many parameters that will needed for gimbal.

You can see the screen shoot of control panel controller below:

Cheapest 2 Axis Brushless Gimbal Controller - Just $44.19 plus IMU and free Shipping

Cheapest 2 Axis Brushless Gimbal Controller - Just $44.19 plus IMU and free Shipping

So, if you want to have brushless gimbal for your multicopter, this product can be an interesting choice. You can Buy this Cheapest Brushless Gimbal Controller here:
Goodluckbuy Brushless Gimbal Controller

Check Out this product if you need the gimbal brushless motor too..
 Cheapest gimbal brushless Motor

More aboutCheapest 2 Axis Brushless Gimbal Controller - Just $44.19 plus IMU and free Shipping